Monday, August 19, 2013

Benefits of Leadership Coaching Circles

These elements of Leadership Coaching Circles help the participants to accomplish the above.

·       Circles of 6 to 8 members will meet for group coaching twice per month for four months focusing specifically on each participant’s spiritual practices, self-care, and a ministry project.
·       Participants will also as a bonus have the opportunity to participate in a twice per month coaching skills class for the four month semester. Both the coaching group and the skills class will happen by telephone conference call using Maestro Conference. This coaching skills class alone has a value of $197.
·       Participants will receive coaching by me in the group circle calls. Also participants will receive coaching by another participant in twice per month buddy coaching calls. Of course in these buddy coaching calls they will also practice doing coaching which will hone their skills.
·       Another bonus to participants is that each week I will share an inspiring devotional based on a lectionary passage for the upcoming Sunday. Ministry leaders rarely have the opportunity to be a participant in “worship.” Although the worship time in the circle meetings will brief, this focus will provide some centering, inspiration, and perhaps sermon ideas for the participants.
·       2 CEU’s will be awarded for participation in LCC.
·       The cost for all of this is only $50 per month for the four months for a total of $200. Payments will be made by check.

This opportunity is limited to 56 persons in 7 groups of up to 8 each starting in early September 2013.


  1. Leadership coaching is in vogue lately. A lot of people are looking for ways to improve their lives and their leadership skills, that is why they look for the services of a coach. Actually, there are various kinds of coaches. Some of them are sports coaches, there are also life coaches, and there are those who engage in leadership coaching.

    Leadership Coaching

  2. Thanks for this post!!! This is among such a lot vital info for me. I think, Executive Coaching Process is intended to help you comprehend leadership and authoritative development strategies
