Monday, September 2, 2013

The Transforming Effect of Group Coaching

Rev. Mike Sahler
My life was busy: pastoral demands, family commitments, personal needs, community involvement, friendship obligations, miscellaneous stress, and time for a relationship with God…My life was busy: hurried, harried, frantic, frenzied, the candle burning at both ends, panicked for more wax, and God was somewhere in the whirlwind of my life…I realized I needed relief from life in the fast lane with no exit in sight and that relief came in the form of group coaching with Dr. Larry Ousley…Through the coaching of Larry walking alongside me and other participants, I am able to claim that my life is still busy but my approach and attitude toward daily living is being reshaped, the whirlwind of my life is unwinding, and I can see God more clearly…I’m grateful for the privilege of having a Christian Coach encouraging me to claim God’s best for me that is already inside me…Larry’s group coaching has transformed my life and enabled me to experience and share forward a new life with focus, ease, flow and joy…My wife Debbie says, “Coaching has made a difference in your life, our marriage, your relationship with our children, your honoring God’s call to ministry,  and your relationship with God!”…Thanks Larry for being my coach and encouraging me to use a coaching approach in ministry and in abundant living!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Another Recommendation from a Past Participant

Rev. Willetta "Lettie" Ar-Rahmaan, M.Div.
Pastor of St. Paul United Methodist Church, Newton, NC
As a new pastor and new to the denomination, the coaching class with Dr. Larry Ousley and Dr. Carl Arrington helped me recognize that we all face the same challenges no matter our background.  The group coaching class fostered new relationships and I was able to learn from others even when the issues were very sensitive.  I have used the listening skills and coaching skills in my full-time position which has truly helped me to be more aware of the valuable contributions of others and I'm able to coach others through problems and situations.  Thank you Dr. Larry and Dr. Carl for a wonderful and enlightening coaching experience that I still use today!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Endorsement from a Past Participant

Rev. Cathy D. Mitchell
Have lots of ideas about your life and ministry, but always seem to be going in several different directions without accomplishing those things that you feel God has called you to do most?  Setting goals and priorities have never been a problem for me, but seeing them through to fruition was quiet a challenge amidst the stress and demand of my ministry.  I am so thankful to have had the opportunity to have Dr. Larry Ousley as my coach to learn a process of advancing to completion of my goals and being able to celebrate every step of the way!    

Friday, August 30, 2013

Leadership Coaching Circles

Here’s your opportunity to get closer to God, become healthier, and to accomplish a particular ministry project. I created Leadership Coaching Circles to assist with this vital need. It is a 21st century Wesley class meeting approach to becoming more fully alive in Christ and finding more fulfillment in your life and ministry. LCC enables you to both “sharpen the saw” and fulfill your calling for leadership.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Recommendation from Dr. Ken Nelson Based on a Previous Coaching Project I led for South Carolina Pastors along with Carl Arrington

Rev. Ken Nelson
Congregational Specialist,
SC Conference Office of Connectional Ministries
“Through his leadership, Dr. Larry Ousley provided a transformative group coaching experience in which our clergy learned how to share resources, best practices, and began to see each others’ successes as their own.Together they worked on similar goals, and learned with and from one another. Our clergy moved from seeing one another as competitors to seeing each other as colleagues.” 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Benefits of Leadership Coaching Circles

These elements of Leadership Coaching Circles help the participants to accomplish the above.

·       Circles of 6 to 8 members will meet for group coaching twice per month for four months focusing specifically on each participant’s spiritual practices, self-care, and a ministry project.
·       Participants will also as a bonus have the opportunity to participate in a twice per month coaching skills class for the four month semester. Both the coaching group and the skills class will happen by telephone conference call using Maestro Conference. This coaching skills class alone has a value of $197.
·       Participants will receive coaching by me in the group circle calls. Also participants will receive coaching by another participant in twice per month buddy coaching calls. Of course in these buddy coaching calls they will also practice doing coaching which will hone their skills.
·       Another bonus to participants is that each week I will share an inspiring devotional based on a lectionary passage for the upcoming Sunday. Ministry leaders rarely have the opportunity to be a participant in “worship.” Although the worship time in the circle meetings will brief, this focus will provide some centering, inspiration, and perhaps sermon ideas for the participants.
·       2 CEU’s will be awarded for participation in LCC.
·       The cost for all of this is only $50 per month for the four months for a total of $200. Payments will be made by check.

This opportunity is limited to 56 persons in 7 groups of up to 8 each starting in early September 2013.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Please click the link for the time of the circle of which you would like to be a member. The first meeting date is listed. Reserve the same hour each week for the calls which will either be a circle call or a buddy call. Submitting your name and email address will assure you of a place in LCC. Please sign up for only one of the circle times below.

***All participants are also asked to register for the coaching skills classes which will occur on Wednesdays starting Sept. 11 at 4 pm ET

Make payment of either the initial installment of $50 or the whole $200 by sending a check made out to me at:

Larry Ousley, 172 Clearwater Drive, Waynesville, NC 28785

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Testimonies from Past Participants in Coaching Groups:

Our church has taken a large step forward in defining our Vision and next steps for growth, defining large goals to accomplish. - My leadership has been benefited first by learning to take care of myself better, then by viewing and engaging in my role as coach in my leadership.”

“Having a network of support and advocacy at this level of quality undergirds everything you do as a minister.”

“We have started and completed and will continue 3 new ministry projects that reach more of the people that God loves!”

“Thanks for the opportunity to take part in the North MS Coaching Project which encourages me to to continue using coaching skills in all aspects of ministry, adding new plays in the ministry playbook, and experiencing the infinite value that God has given my life and to the lives of those I coach and pastor!”

“Larry, I’ve decided you are right--coaching is the best way to help pastors and churches accomplish their mission!”

One pastor said, that the coaching project has been an invaluable tool for her. “This coaching initiative is good for the conference in that it transforms good pastors into great pastors,” she said. “Conference gatherings and district gatherings are valuable tools for fellowship, but coaching takes it to a higher level. Someone once said, ‘In order to receive something different, you have to do something different.’ We can’t afford to keep doing the same old things in our churches and expect different results.”

Another pastor said that the experience has helped him approach ministry and life in new ways.” Too often we as clergy find ourselves not connected with a support group beyond our friends, when our connection has so much to offer,” he said. “It opens up a network that is without bias and competition, and for its duration, it will bring about community.”

Another person said the program has been a great opportunity for her and the other participants. “Our Annual Conference is to be commended for this new paradigm in leadership development,” she said.  “We have been called from different districts, different experiences and different perspectives to the table of ministry commonality. From my view, this program will continue to speak life to us and blow breath into us as we serve God and God’s people for such a time as this.”  

Dr. Ken Nelson, SC Conference Staff member in reflecting on the group coaching program stated: “I believe that three of the most significant encumbrances to effective, vital congregations are ineffective leadership, a lack of vision and a lack of partnership between the laity and clergy,” Nelson said. “The coaching initiative addresses all three of these factors in very specific ways and builds upon the strengths that these pastors already possess.”


·       In order to keep things simple each participant is asked to reserve each week the same hour for the circle meetings and buddy calls. For example, if a person signs up for the circle that meets Mondays at 3 PM ET, they would meet at that time each week either for one of the two circle meetings or to have a buddy coaching call with their buddy. The circle meetings will be recorded in case a person needs to miss that. Also sometimes participants like to listen again. Additionally if participants wish on a week they have to miss their regular circle meeting, they could attend as an observer another circle meeting. Of course, if buddies choose to change the time of their calls to a different time, that’s up to them.

·       The coaching skills classes will occur on two Wednesday per month at 4 PM ET beginning Sept. 4, 2013.

Information Call

In order for persons to experience a demonstration of a circle call addressing spiritual practices, self-care, and a ministry project, I am offering an information call. This call will occur at the following time and will also allow persons to get their questions about LCC answered. Register for the call by clicking on the following link.

Train the Trainer

Those who complete the above and have the aptitude for it will be invited to lead Leadership Coaching Circles themselves. In order to assist them, I’ll lead training and guidance calls focusing on group coaching skills twice per month for five months. Their circle members can participate in the coaching skills training which I will lead each semester. The cost is $100 per month or $500 total.

Train the Trainer: More Details

Further, all the above I’m calling Level 1 (L1). Those who complete L1 and have the aptitude for it will be invited to lead L1 leadership coaching circles themselves. In order to assist them in so doing I will lead what I’m calling Level 2 (L2) offering the following benefits:

·       Participation in twice per month training and guidance calls in group coaching skills so that L2 participants can lead their own L1 circles earning up to $400 per month per circle. Of course, L2 leaders can charge whatever they wish for the L1 circles they lead. This could be charging nothing to L1 participants. However, my experience is that unless people pay something for participation, they tend not to be as invested.
·       Also L2 leaders do not have to lead the coaching skills classes themselves, which would be part of what they are offering their L1 participants just like in the L1 benefits, described above. Their L1 circle members participate in these twice per month coaching skills classes that I will lead each four-month semester.
·       There will be other benefits to help Circle leaders, which will evolve over time. One of them is that if they enroll one of their L1 participants to become L2 leaders after they complete L1, the original L2 leader would receive half of the income for their L1 leader becoming an L2 leader.
·       Further, persons who are seeking credentialing as a life coach, need coaching hours to achieve certification. This program will allow them to gain coaching experience. In order to supercharge this benefit, L2 leaders could add an individual coaching component with their L1 participants adding a great number of hours of coaching to further help them accumulate paid coaching hours for certification.
·       2 CEU’s will be awarded for participation in L2.
·       The cost for all the benefits for L2 is $100 per month for 5 months for each semester an L2 circle leader is active. Payments will be made by check.

·       The first L2 leaders will begin meeting in January 2014 to prepare to lead their L1 circles beginning in February 2014.